Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Books I Just Read About And You Didn't?!!!

Fathers Day is a month away. A good one for any Dad type who is a reader! The estate of Ian Flemming invited Sebastian Faulks(author of one of my favorite books,Charlotte Gray)to write a new Bond book. the result is cold war thriller
Devil May Care.
Young and old moms among us might enjoy The Ten year Nap by Meg Wolitzer. the story of woman who get off the work track and stay home with the kids.
The Unit Ninni Holmquist-Sort of science fiction in the Margaret Atwood style. A dystopian society does away with people over 50..Slowly,organ by organ!
A Short History Of Woman- Kate Walbert.... One family's five generations of woman's struggles. Told in vinettes.
The Wordy Shipmates Sarah Vowell- Well researched book about some unknown historical facts. Puritans apparently go wild in the new world?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I just picked up the article excert of Christopher Buckley's book about his parents dying within months of one another. He starts right out saying how many people referrred to him as an orphan! Its funny but when my Mom died Marguerite was the only person out of about 50 or 60 who ever said that to me. I was so struck by that because now as then I think of the term "orphan" to be used for a person under the age of 21!!! Long past that one! In Gail Goodwin's book about her husband's death she stated that when they would be on their way home from someplace he would refer to their home as returning to the orphanage!
One thing Buckley wrote that is true for you and your sibs if you have them is that once that second parent dies you are "in the green room for the river Styxx". This just cracked me up I had to share!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

TV And Me

This DVR thing is a drug I swear. I am watching more TV because of it. In the old days all the detectiveie shows and all else that came on at 10 when the eye lids needed a clothes pole to stay open I would just miss them. NOW I just scan the schedule and hit record!
So I find myself falling behind on watching all this stuff and falling behind in my most beloved hobby of all,reading!
I watch or record: Cold Case,Without A Trace,orig. CSI,various things on the History Channel and BBC's Antiques Roadshow. This show I ADORE. I have about 10 now I must watch. Loaded with so much history and really cool places they visit to say nothing of the "objects" brought in for appraisal. Prince Charles was even in one I watched last night. A folksy,charming guy! I also find the British version is filled with far more humor than its more serious American cousin!

You Can Fight City Hall (Maybe)

Sometime in March we received a letter from the Phila. Parking Authority saying we had failed to pay for a $300 parking ticket for parking in a handicapped spot on January 19,2009. The only thing is the lic. number given is for a car we bought for our kids on January 24,2009. We did not get the tags,title and registration until Feb. 2,2009. Foolish me wrote a few times even sending in copies of all of the above. I just kept getting form letters telling me to call the phone number on the original letter which never connects you to a human being!
I decided to write to our local Phila. CBS affiliate's consumer watchdog guy. He actually called me and we have been in communication twice. He has connections at the parking authority. I did get a letter saying the case was suspended for 30 days pending an investigation. We shall see. meanwhile...Thanks,Jim D.!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Stuff You Don't Know About Me

I just got an email from a friend about all the expensive beauty stuff she uses. I don't spend on the individual products just on the amount I experiment with!
So I have found mineral makeup really does make the face a uniform color. However,if you have a zit or two as I did right after Easter candy time you do need a cream or liquid base.(hubby says my zits keep me young!) I use an Avon cream to powder that I really like. I bought the one Ellen Degeneres is sponsoring but I think it dried my aging skin out even though it supposedly does have a cream in it. I try not to use the same moisturizer everyday. I flip between a Garnier,Olay and Clinique!
My eyebrow area was really dry and peeling all the time so I got this Burt Bees night cream and that works. A N D for some reason giving up my 40+ year one diet cola a day habit has improved this condition!
So that is how this old crone keeps foolin' um in HHNJ!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Possibly,There But For The Grace Of God..........

Would I have gone! Its just that my particular brand of combo perimenopausal mood swings and fury at my kids just did not ever go over that edge the West Chester County Mom went over last Sunday. She was so mad at her fighting daughters she threw them out of the car. The 10 year old never made it back into the car.
Here is where I have an issue with the supposed "good samaritan" who called the police! I have a feeling that this 10 year old girl who lives in a 2 million dollar house is a quite savy,with it,sophisticated kid who has a cell phone and knows how to text. This is no waif in the storm for days gone by and anybody with experience with kids in the 2000's knows this..... I am also sure she can match my two daughters at that age when there smug,heaven looking glances and smart mouths could send you just short of a giant slap.
Had I been the person to happen upon this girl in very nice White Plains I would have asked what her Mom's cell phone number was and called the Mom and say I will chat with your daughter until things calm down. There was no need to involve the police and social services. I think the girl,or more like it,the mom had the bad luck to run into some righteous goodie,gooie who never had an irritating 10 year old!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Elderly Graviderum"

Thats what it said on my medical records when I gave birth to DD#2 18 years ago today! I think by this time they have upped the date they start putting THAT on woman's charts!
One thing good about having a baby at 40 is when that baby grows up people assume you are younger because you have this child who is say still in high school! So sometimes assumptions are not bad.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter- Mom Musings........

Honestly,old menopausal me could have gone to the sunrise service at church! I remind me of the lady who hears the rooster in the sleeping pill commercial...on some days!
The day should progress as follows: Trying to get the two darling daughters up and out the door on time for church that starts at 9:30. Daughter no. 2 is a crucifer so she better be ready! Forget son! I know he worked hard yesterday and last night,got in late and it is not worth the fight!
Its a friends Easter as the old people bailed(big surprise there)so it should be a relaxed laid back time!
Hail,Hail Festival Day......

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Current Reads; Other Stuff

Its been a rough couple of days. Bad news on the income front. Not a lay off or anything just a reconfiguration on hubby's behalf which will cut our income. I hope things improve in the fall when we both could HOPE to find something.
Time Magazine has what I call a neat system for reviewing books. READ SKIM TOSS!!!!
So I am definetly skimming John Grogans's memoir, The Longest Trip Home. His parents were so profoundly Catholic that his life and that of his siblings was like child abuse I swear! Family vacations to shrines,hymns at dinner,giving up your room for 7 inner city Detroit kids! I am liking the second half where he grows up,becomes a newspaper reporter and meets his future wife! When he moved in with her his parents flipped. Like they actually thought a thirty year old guy in the 70's and 80's was celibate till marriage. Give me a break!
My upstairs book,Glass Houses is a very intelligently done mystery by Jane Haddam that takes place in Philadelphia. Apparently this prolific writer has 26 or so other books featuring this retired FBI guy,Gregor Demarkian. Dull so far but I like all the mentions of Philly stuff.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

It is a tradition at my church for us to line up on the front lawn and have the beginning of the Palm Sunday litergy outside. Then we are handed palm fronds and we sing the entrance hymn.
It must be because of recent March Easters,having to go visit the in-laws so we didn't have to do it on Easter, and the weather,I don't remember doing this for many a year. Today was beautiful so the old traditon was upheld!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Book Club Ramblings........

Tonight is our meeting. Literary League Of Extraordinary Women

The book to discuss is Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut. Yes,a Nazi book! Not my fav. by any stretch but that is another story! So Lise and I decided to bring a German dessert??? But I could not find anything in the local bakery so I got brownies and cookies. B U T....ahah!!!!!....You never know whats in my house left over from my deceased parent's incredible supplies of miscellaneous junk...I have cocktail napkins from Germany. They say Bremen on them and have a picture of the town circa 1600 something! The girls will get a kick out of that.
The meeting is at Anne's house in Berlin, nobody has picked up on that irony of that!!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another Quote From A Book On Aging......

This is from a book called When You Lie About Your Age The Terrorists Win by Carol Leifer. I do not get this title at all but the woman is funny...

From her 40 things I know at 50........."Never buy expensive thong underwear. One trip through the dryer and its a frilly bookmark!" if!!!!!!!

Drinking From The Fountqain Of Youth-More Magazine

from a book by Suzanne Braun Levine called 50 Is the New 50:

About having second thoughts on revealing she was 65.......
"It surprised me how hard it has been to admit in print to being 65. It wasn't the number that bothered me so much as the fear that when people knew my age they would catagorize me. I didn't want to be disqualified from a lifetime of being connected to other woman of any age. We may not all share the same birthday,but we have shared some life experiences."
Yea to all girl!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Blunt But Fair Article On The Times They Are A Changin'

The End of Excess: Is This Crisis Good for America? - TIME

Lets keep it light and good natured on the comments!

For me,new to this blog world,I think there is enough screaming and yelling coming from the news media that we don't need to get into arguments with eachother!

Today"s Snippets!

Being laid off and and getting a variety of things to read delivered to my house,I often read things I would like to share! Since hubby is only interested in Vampire movies and American Idol I have to unload someplace!!!!!
This is from FAST COMPANY a magazine that comes to this house for what reason or how I do not know! It is from an article on suggestions to the president on how to cure the ails of the auto industry.
"The auto companies are unfunded benefit plans that make cars on the side. The government must institute a national health plan that frees the Big Three(and others)from current and retiree medical costs; it must assume responsibility for pension obligations in exchange for equity."
as a former group benefit analyst for 20 cumulative years,I can say that there are huge inequities out there as far as health ins goes. At least this country's citizens need preventative things covered so they don't show up in the ER needing thousands of dollars in care.
ON A FUNNY NOTE: from today's Courier Post cooking section:
"it is odd how all men develop the notion, as they grow older,that their mothers were wonderful cooks. I have yet to meet a man who will admit that his mother was a kitchen assassin and nearly poisoned him."
Robertson Davies,Canadian author 1913-1995

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Stand Corrected!

The book I am read is correctly titled The Hotel At The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet! I better get crackin as this is due back to the library on 4/2!
I really fell off the reading band wagn last week. I guess I was watching too many TV shows I had DVR'd!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I called my blog ACRONEINANOTHERAGE because without benefit of damm good genes, 21st century cosmetics,dentistry,the invention of tweezie and Tweezerman,I would look like a witchy crone at my age!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

At The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet

I am finding this book a bit slow. However,the suject matter interests me so I will keep on reading. Plus,its short compred to the 500 pager I just finished!