Friday, April 24, 2009

Possibly,There But For The Grace Of God..........

Would I have gone! Its just that my particular brand of combo perimenopausal mood swings and fury at my kids just did not ever go over that edge the West Chester County Mom went over last Sunday. She was so mad at her fighting daughters she threw them out of the car. The 10 year old never made it back into the car.
Here is where I have an issue with the supposed "good samaritan" who called the police! I have a feeling that this 10 year old girl who lives in a 2 million dollar house is a quite savy,with it,sophisticated kid who has a cell phone and knows how to text. This is no waif in the storm for days gone by and anybody with experience with kids in the 2000's knows this..... I am also sure she can match my two daughters at that age when there smug,heaven looking glances and smart mouths could send you just short of a giant slap.
Had I been the person to happen upon this girl in very nice White Plains I would have asked what her Mom's cell phone number was and called the Mom and say I will chat with your daughter until things calm down. There was no need to involve the police and social services. I think the girl,or more like it,the mom had the bad luck to run into some righteous goodie,gooie who never had an irritating 10 year old!


  1. Who knows how this (maybe) brat was behaving when the "good" samaritan found her? Perhaps by then she had worked herself into a real state. Or was pretending to be in a state!

    I do think the mother could have driven around the block, though, which is what I would have done. Six miles from home is a long way.

  2. took me six frigging attempts to leave a comment!!!
